
Body Intelligence = Business intelligence

Thea helps your employees take care of themselves so they can take care of your business.

keynote type

Opening or after lunch


Wellbeing, Health, Performance, Happiness




30 – 60 minutes

Unleash the energy contained within your greatest untapped organisational resource – the human body – and enjoy a healthier, smarter workforce.  

Sixty eight per cent of Australians do not care for their bodies’ most basic needs of sufficient exercise, sleep and eating sufficient vegetables. This means at least two thirds of your people will be operating well below their full capacity.  It doesn’t matter how great your culture or employee rewards, your people will never reach their full potential if they don’t possess body intelligence to correct this fundamental gap. 

In this keynote you will discover Thea’s 3-steps to better B.I. that will enable your people to bring more energy and smarts to their day.

Key Takeaways & Benefits

  • Understand how body intelligence (B.I.) can give you and your organisation a competitive edge in the age of AI.
  • Reduce the risk of burnout by building your people’s body intelligence so they get better at reading their bodies and acting on the early signs of stress and fatigue. 
  • Teach your people how they can sustain their energy, even in the face of high demand, by prioritising their health and wellbeing no matter what.  
  • Generate energised, cohesive teams, by inspiring your people to shape ‘body-smart’ ways of working together, 



Close the gender wellbeing gap for female leaders and see more women step up, and stay up.

keynote type

Opening or after lunch


Wellbeing, Health, Performance, Happiness


People Leaders (can be adapted for all levels)


30 – 60 minutes

Despite significant improvements in gender equality in the workplace, there are still far fewer women than men in senior leadership roles, especially in the private sector.  Is the struggle to maintain their health and wellbeing one of the (many) barriers?  Especially during midlife when menopause and career aspirations can collide? 

Recent Australian data shows that female leaders are more likely than male leaders to report significantly lower overall wellbeing, personal wellbeing, work wellbeing and life satisfaction.  

This keynote will help your organisation attract and retain more female leaders, and equip women to protect their health and vitality and so fulfil their career aspirations. It can also be adapted for working women at all levels of an organisation. 

Key Takeaways & Benefits

  • Be clear about the facts: What does the science say about the impact of wellbeing on critical leadership capabilities, and the current wellbeing gender-gap for female leaders?
  • Be on the front foot: be equipped with education about the physiological changes all women will experience from the late 30s on and how they can support themselves. 
  • Bust out of the social conditioning that STILL has women looking after others’ wellbeing before her own!
  • Boost body intelligence which will protect women’s wellbeing and careers, during their leadership and midlife years.  

Keynote Add ons

Talk to me about my training workshops, breakout sessions or a “Nap-Zone” for your info overloaded delegates!

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